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the trello power-ups directory: bells and whistles for your workflow

by | published on september 27, 2019 | 3 min read
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trello power-ups directory tutorial

believe it or not, there’s a snazzy way  to discover, enable, and manage power-ups on your trello boards! the trello power-ups directory has a host of shiny, bright features such as search, categories, editorial content, featured power-ups (in multiple languages!), and more. 

it’s easy as 世界杯欧洲预选赛直播平台 pie to find the perfect power-ups for your workflow, and add your favorite features and integrations to your trello boards. that means less digging for information and more 世界杯欧洲预选赛直播平台 . 

a brief history of power-ups

since the launch of trello’s power-ups platform in 2016, which allowed for developers to build their own power-ups, the excitement and growth in the platform has far outpaced the capabilities of our original directory. 

today, there are over 200+ public power-ups for popular apps like slack and google drive, in addition to thousands of private custom power-ups built to serve unique business needs. 

trello power-ups history

from top left: trello power-ups directory in 2013, 2016, and today

if you are unfamiliar with power-ups, they are additional features and integrations that can be enabled on boards to provide a custom-fit trello experience for your specific use case. 

for instance, power-ups can be used to add a calendar to your board or custom fields to cards, create automations with butler and zapier, or pull in up-to-date information from apps like evernote, and invision. you can enable unlimited power-ups on any trello board for free!

let’s take a tour of the directory!

from overwhelmed to ooh-la-la

to access the directory, click the “power-ups” button in the menu, and brace yourself for something fresh and amazing.

how to access trello power-ups directory

make sure to check out the “featured” section, which highlights some of our favorite power-ups in the section taco’s picks. you can also check out articles on how to maximize the capabilities of power-ups and incorporate them into different use cases.

we’ll be updating this content regularly as exciting new power-ups are released!

trello project management power-ups

take notice of the sleek navigation capabilities on the leftmost side of the directory. this is where you can quickly search for power-ups, browse by category, as well as manage the power-ups you currently have enabled.

if your team has created custom power-ups, they can be enabled and managed in the custom section.

enabling super powers

to enable a power-up on your board, follow these steps:

  • click the “enable” button next to the power-up. 
  • once a power-up is enabled, settings can be changed by clicking the gear icon next to the power-up. 
  • if you want to learn more about a specific power-up, click on it to view a detailed listing that includes features and screenshots. 

trello power-up directory individual listing

please note that many third party power-ups, such as onedrive, github, etc.,  will require an account with that service that must be authorized when enabling the power-up. also, some third party power-ups may have additional subscription fees for use.

the gift of gab

with over a hundred power-ups, making them accessible and easy-to-use for everyone is key. which is why we’re excited to show off how our power-up directory is localized in over 20 languages!

from portuguese to german to japanese, the functionality of our power-ups isn’t limited to just english speakers. you can read and learn about each various power-ups in whichever language you choose. 

trello power-up directory language options

a quick thank you

trello power-ups partners: how to build a power-up for trello

we wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the amazing developers and partners that have built not only power-ups, but also new businesses on the power-ups platform. thank you all!

expect even more awesome power-ups in the pipeline, continuous improvements to our listings, and more great content.

if you are a developer that wants to build power-ups, learn more at https://developers.trello.com/.

good or bad, we'd love to hear your thoughts. find us on twitter (@trello) or write in to support@trello.com

next: from idea to mvp: how to build a better product workflow in 5 power-ups

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