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4 work trends shaping the future of business

the great resignation. the great talent migration. the end of work as we know it. no shortage of hot takes are floating around right now about the changing nature of business and careers, and these em...

company culture, company values: why do they matter?

unfortunately, some of us hear “company culture” and “company values” so often during hiring, performance reviews, and team building that they’ve lost all meaning—especially if we never see them in ac...

4 reasons for project fails—and how to prevent each one

we’re living in the golden age of failure, where tech culture embraces a “fail fast” mentality and celebrates lessons learned from missteps. but when it comes to that upcoming project you’re leading, ...

what is macromanagement? 5 big tips for effective macro managers

when it comes to team management, think big. every leader wants to support their team to drive results and do their best work. helicopter leadership—micromanagement over every small detail—stifles cre...

the right to disconnect: why leaders should encourage employees to unplug

what is the right to disconnect? the term means exactly what it sounds like—your employee's right to shut off work after hours without fear of repercussion. as fast company points out, legislation is ...

should your company offer unlimited time off? pros and cons to consider

your employees might love their jobs, but here’s the truth: they still want (and deserve) some time off the clock.