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how to use trello and confluence together for optimized project management

cheese is delicious. tomato sauce is delicious. bread is delicious. they’re all so delicious, in fact, they work perfectly well as foods on their own. yet one day, some brilliant person came along and...

the trello resource management tools and features you need now

with unlimited resources, life's a breeze. there’s never a deadline, never a budget, and never a ceiling of energy that constrains your ability to get things done.

don't ignore project risk: 3 tools for project management success

there’s an old sailor’s proverb you could just as easily apply to project risk management: “when the boat reaches mid-stream, it is too late to stop the leak.” in other words, hindsight is 20/20. whil...

so, your manager just quit—now what?

the day starts out like any other. you get your morning coffee, hop into the car, and head to work. but just as you pop your head in for a “good morning” to your boss, you see a vision that changes yo...

how to strike the ideal balance of autonomy on your team (and how trello can help)

here’s a little-known business fact: post-it notes first came about because 3m was in favor of bootlegging.

how to stay mindful of cultural differences when leading a global team

it seemed innocent enough.